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SEO is the art of optimizing different parts of a website to make it appealing to search engines.

SEO allows a website to improve its visibility in the unsponsored search results of search engines such as Google. It’s a long term investment that you should consider right from starting to design your website.
Link Quality Check
Title Tags
On-Page Optimization
Meta Tags
Duplicate Content
Keyword Strategy
Manual Penalties Reported
Call To Action

SEA enables a website to be quickly placed on the first page of search results with sponsored ads.

Point culminant du contenu du site Web et de la présence hors site pour améliorer les classements dans les principaux moteurs de recherche.




DesignforEU strongly recommends not only to count on your organic rankings, but also to consider a search engine advertising strategy. By combining SEO and SEA, you expand your online presence and multiply the chances of converting your audience.

SEO allows a website to improve its visibility in the unsponsored search results of search engines such as Google. It’s a long term investment that you should consider right from starting to design your website.


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